HOW TO MANIFEST A NEW VEHICLE Most of you have the desire to manifest big things in your life. You may want a good job, a fantastic family life, more money, a home or vehicle. In the previous manifestation blogs I have given examples of smaller, attainable things. The reason for the smaller items was […]
3 Ways to Recognize Inspired Actions When Manifesting What You Desire
You are a magnificent manifesting machine. However most people have never been taught how to recognize the little nudges to do certain activities that will allow you to receive the answer to your request. I call these nudges inspired actions. The category of my blogs dealing with manifesting is designed to help you recognize when […]
Are You a Branch on the Vine of Manifestation? Part 2
Are You a Branch on the Vine of Manifestation? Part 2 In the last post I discussed John15:5-7. In review: John15:5-7(NIV) 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do […]
Are You a Branch on the Vine of Manifestation Part 1
Are You a Branch on the Vine of Manifestation? Part 1 As I read the following passage today it became easy to understand that we all have the gift of God within us. Therefore if we disconnect ourselves from the collective of humanity (the branches and the vine) we cannot bear the fruits of […]
Meditative Prayer – Part 2
Meditative Prayer – Part 2 Last post I discussed the definition of Meditative Prayer. As a reminder it is defined as using focused attention and guidance to make a request in a dialogue with Higher Intelligence, God. It is a method by which you abandon yourself to the feeling of the desire you want to […]
You Cannot Ask for Something Bad to Happen
I have been reading several books by Jose Silva and he tells us that “We cannot ask for something that the creator would disapprove of.” Mr. Silva researched successful people for over 20 years and discovered that those who were successful operated in the Alpha state of mind and also dipped deeper into Theta. Jose Silva’s […]