Creating a Vision Board

by Beverly F. Jones and Alida Morrill as discussed on Commanding Your Life on Many people, myself included, have a hard time visualizing using our minds eye. We have to have something concrete in front of us. What is it that you desire in your life and how do you envision it? Let me […]

Speaking Into Existence

Speaking into Existence Whether you say you can or you say you can’t, you are right. Words are the most powerful things in the universe. John 1:1 states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Learning to use words more effectively is essential to improving […]

Gratitude Log

This entry will be updated anytime I recognize that a manifestation has occurred.  It may not be noteworthy in your mind, however, this log has two purposes. The first is for me to be mindful of what is coming into my life. The second is to help you to become aware of how things show up […]

Faith With Action

It is our beliefs that put us in the position in which we find ourselves. Do you have the “faith” and conviction that what you want will come to be? What is faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us that: “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about […]

What is The One Command

The simple answer: it is a 6 step process that opens your awareness to amazing untapped capacities you have within you. It is an invitation to enter into powerful portions of your mind that contain extraordinary abilities. We have all been given spiritual gifts and the information we need to be successful when we follow […]

You Cannot Ask for Something Bad to Happen

I have been reading several books by Jose Silva and he tells us that “We cannot ask for something that the creator would disapprove of.”    Mr. Silva researched successful people for over 20 years and discovered that those who were successful operated in the Alpha state of mind and also dipped deeper into Theta.  Jose Silva’s […]