Have you ever just wanted to quit? What was it that held you back and caused you not to continue? Have you ever felt ashamed because you wanted to just quit? Have you wanted to quit striving for a goal that many tell you is within reach? Have you wanted to quit a relationship however you have invested years of your life trying to make it work? When is it OK to quit? This excerpt from the “Commanding Your Life” radio show explores these questions. Take a few minutes and listen.
If you are new to this site take the time to read my blogs especially on visualization and meditative prayer they will be helpful to you in understanding the process of asking and receiving in thanksgiving.
Do you have the faith to know that your prayers will be answered? Would you like help in learning how? Join us for Commanding Your Life Circles the third Monday of every month. To sign up go to http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com.
Click on free download to get a meditation to help you learn to visualize in the best way.
“As you have believed, let it be done for you.” – Matthew 9:29
And It is so!
In Gratitude,
Beverly Fells Jones,
The Silver Fox of Consciousness,
The Colony, Texas
Visit my websites at: http://CommandingYourLife.com or http://SilverFox.SilvaCourses.com