Twenty Ways You Can Help Others (Part 1)

Maintaining Balance in Our Interactions     I talked about how we are detached from each other and I promised you an incomplete list of things that you can do to re-engage.  Here is the first half:   1. Smile and be friendly. Some of the time a simple brief thing like this can put […]

Comforting Your Hurting Inner Child

Many times we wonder why we react to things the way we do.  We look back and chastise ourselves for the way we handled a situation.  We also find ourselves doing things in a certain way and wonder why.  In many instances our actions and the way we react is routed in our childhood.  In […]

Why Are We So Detached?

Too frequently the trend in our society is for individuals to be detached from one another. Automobiles have taken us off the streets, where we used to greet each other and stop to chit chat.  Cubicles have removed a bit of the humanity in working, as have factories and even computers to some extent. Television […]