Twenty Ways You Can Help Others (Part 1)

Maintaining Balance in Our Interactions     I talked about how we are detached from each other and I promised you an incomplete list of things that you can do to re-engage.  Here is the first half:   1. Smile and be friendly. Some of the time a simple brief thing like this can put […]

You Cannot Ask for Something Bad to Happen

I have been reading several books by Jose Silva and he tells us that “We cannot ask for something that the creator would disapprove of.”    Mr. Silva researched successful people for over 20 years and discovered that those who were successful operated in the Alpha state of mind and also dipped deeper into Theta.  Jose Silva’s […]

Why Are We So Detached?

Too frequently the trend in our society is for individuals to be detached from one another. Automobiles have taken us off the streets, where we used to greet each other and stop to chit chat.  Cubicles have removed a bit of the humanity in working, as have factories and even computers to some extent. Television […]

Its Good to Help Others

  Our culture tends to associate happiness with getting something.   Why should we humans be programmed to respond so positively to giving? If something like helping benefits the group, it will be associated with pleasure and happiness. While we may have been primed to feel good from giving, it may not be the only reason helping […]