





Listen to Beverly below.

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As I get older my ability to recall what I have done or said gets a little slower.  Sometimes I can’t remember what I had for lunch the day before. It takes some type of trigger to bring it flooding into my mind.  You may have experienced this at various times of your life when you can’t remember someone’s name or a location.  I have learned to tell myself to recall what I desire, within a short amount of time.  What I want to retrieve from this computer called my brain, eventually comes to mind.

Many times we speak about something we desire or daydream about something or someone and yet when pressed to recall the conversation or dream we don’t remember.  Normally this is because we are not being mindful of our thoughts and conversations unless it is something we deem important.  Yet when something comes into our life, our consciousness, we wonder why or how.  We don’t associate
what we said, thought or day dreamt about with the manifestation that showed up in our life.   We do not remember the discussion or the thought that brought it to us.  We manifest what we desire every day whether we associate it with our imagination or not.

Neville Goddard discusses this when he says, “Man does not remember his imaginal acts; so when they come up and the harvest is ripe, he denies his own harvest.  He cannot see where on earth what he is now experiencing could have been caused by him, because he has forgotten his imaginal acts.
That is when he sowed it, and all things bring forth after their kind.”  “As a man sows, so shall he reap.
Galatians 6:7 

I am forever reaping what I have sown in my imagination, daydream or conversation.  Through mindfulness and remaining in the moment I have come to the ability to recall when I first mention a desire and then I recognize when it shows up in my life.  Just the other day I was catching the train to downtown Dallas to have lunch with my son.  One of the stops is the West End.  This location has lots of restaurants and shops.  I thought to myself, “It would be nice to have lunch in the West End.”  I  decided to ask to Charles to meet me in the West End the next time we meet.  I got off at my usual stop and he was waiting for me.  As we discussed where we were going to eat I suggested Chinese.  He said he had the perfect place and we began to walk.  After going several city blocks I asked him where we were going and he replied, “My favorite Thai restaurant in the West End.”  Some would say it was a co-incidence however I know it was in answer to my desire.  I simply said “Thank You.” This was to acknowledge the receipt of my desire.

Day after day be mindful of your thoughts and your imagination because Universal Law says that it will come into your life as quickly as possible unless you cancel the order. Be careful of your thoughts or imagination. If you are imagining what you don’t want then say cancel, cancel and then begin the process of imagining having, doing or being what you desire. Imagination plays a major role in letting the Creator know exactly what you want and expect. Use your creative power to visualize that which you want to see manifested in your life. Remember, Ask and you shall receive. Have no doubt.

Take the time to record in your journal/diary when you notice a correlation between what you say, believe, dream, meditate on and when it shows up in your life.  You will discover that you are a magnificent manifestor. The key is learning to do it deliberately.  Want some examples?  Go to the “Manifestation Log Category” of this blog to see examples within my life.


If you are new to this site take the time to read my blogs especially on visualization and meditative prayer they will be helpful to you in understanding the process of asking and receiving in thanksgiving.

Do you have the faith to know that your prayers will be answered?  Would you like help in learning how?  Join us for Commanding Your Life Circles the first and third Thursdays of every month.  To sign up go to

Join me on July 12, 2013 for a free teleconference entitled “Tap into the Secrets of Your Money Consciousness”. 

To learn more go to

Click on free download to get a meditation to help you learn to visualize in the best way.



“As you have believed, let it be done for you.”
Matthew 9:29

And It is so!


In Gratitude,
Beverly Fells Jones,
The Silver Fox of Consciousness,

Specializing in Releasing Your Roadblocks to Success

The Colony, Texas


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