How to Recognize When You Manifest Years Later

I believe that what we desire, no matter how long ago we mentioned it, will come into our life, especially when we reinforce that desire. It shows up. I have asked for things and forgotten about them and then they show up. Sometimes it may be weeks, other times years later. Such a desire is what I am about to share with you today.

This spring I hired a stylist to help me find the ideal colors for me to wear. We went through my clothes and did a major clean out. Since then I have been re-purposing the bedroom I had made into a closet, into a guest room. Yes, when I was working corporate I had that many clothes and now I don’t.

I wanted a daybed with trundle for this room. I looked everywhere for daybeds. The prices were ridiculous for a spare bedroom that would be slept in occasionally. I searched many of the national and local furniture outlets. I then did one of my favorite manifesting statements – How would it feel to get a sofa bed or daybed at a price I am willing to pay?

The following weekend my little directing inner voice said go to IKEA. I browsed through the departments. I saw futons – No! I saw beds – No! And then I saw why I was there. They had a sleeper sofa on sale at a ridiculously low price. The cover was removable and washable with two options for color, blue and white. For years I wanted a white sofa but with kids and men πŸ™‚ a white sofa just wouldn’t survive. I finally have my white sofa at a price I was willing to pay.

It has been sitting here for a few weeks and I hadn’t put on the covers. Today, I took the time and did that. I still have to steam them. However I was amazed at the way IKEA structured the sofa. It was easy to put together. They use Velcro to keep the cover tucked in place and to shape it on the outside. When open the mattress sits on slats and not the springs that hurt your back. Yet another plus for this sofa.

All in all I have what I have desired, a comfortable white sofa bed for guests in a location I can enjoy without worrying about it getting dirty. And no I am not buying plastic covers. πŸ™‚

Be aware that what you ask for does show up at the right place and at the ideal time. Pay attention to your requests so that when they show up in your life you can say thank you. You will know that it is in answer to what you spoke. To do this easily get your copy of the Manifesting Journal today so you can record what you ask for and how it shows up in your life.

I am excited to announce that I have completed the Manifesting Journal. Get your copy today at Manifesting Journal. I will be doing a webinar in the future to train you how to use it in a way that will help you begin manifesting like a superstar. Watch for it.

If you are new to this site take the time to read my blogs especially on visualization and meditative prayer they will be helpful to you in understanding the process of asking and receiving in thanksgiving.

Do you have the faith to know that your prayers will be answered? Would you like help in learning how? Join us for Commanding Your Life Circles the first and third Thursdays of every month. To sign up go to

Click on free download to get a meditation to help you learn to visualize in the best way.

“As you have believed, let it be done for you.” – Matthew 9:29

And It is so!

In Gratitude,
Beverly Fells Jones,
The Silver Fox of Consciousness,

The Colony, Texas

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