The weekend of July 27 and 28 2012, I attended the “Write It Now Conference” sponsored by Covenant Church in the Dallas area. It was filled with topics any aspiring author would want to know. However it was designed to help anyone interested in writing. Many people are interested in writing to tell a story […]
The Muscadine Vine
The Muscadine Vine by Jo Ann Johnson It has been a long time since I sat down to read a fiction novel and I am glad I chose “The Muscadine Vine.” It is an intriguing story, set in the deep south during the mid-20th century, about Joan “Fitzgerald”, the illegitimate mulatto child […]
Fear and “The One Command
Have you ever felt the feeling of fear for no apparent reason? Maybe you experienced a feeling of unease that came upon you when you entered a parking garage alone at night (possibly for good reason) or you are meeting a new prospect for your business or you are going on a blind date. The […]
Guard Your Heart
There are many ways that statement can be taken. It all depends on your experiences and point of view. We can guard our heart after a major breakup because we do not ever want to be hurt again. I was a guest on The ExFactor Radio Show about grandparents losing access to their grandchildren. ( […]
What is Money Anyway?
What is money anyway but an artificial means of exchange? Money itself has no value. We give it energy and value. Do you worry about not having enough money, yet you are concerned about being evil therefore you don’t do what you can to have money come into your life. I want you to close […]
The Root of Your Money Consciousness
This week I am discussing money and the misconception or limiting belief that wanting to have money is bad. What are some of your beliefs about money? Have you ever thought that having a lot of money would change you as a person? Have you thought that if you made a lot of money you […]