I recently wrote a blog about Mark 4:26-28 because I recognized that planting seeds through asking and visualization sets in motion the process to receive. However, we never know how, what we ask for is going to show up.
Monday, I was out running errands and doing the things you do on a normal day. I needed to do laundry. I am out camping and I don’t know where the town laundries are located. The first laundry I stopped at looked closed so I drove down the road to the next town. I was taking my time, stopping in the stores, picking up laundry supplies, getting something to drink and so on. In other words I had no pressing engagements for my day. I had no desire to be in a hurry. At the laundromat, after my clothes finished washing, I attempted to use a specific dryer. I added my quarters and they kept being returned to me. The dryer was not working properly, so I change to another.
Not long after, a gentleman came into the laundromat to dry his clothes and attempted to use that same dryer. I started a conversation regarding the dryer. Well, that conversation turned into a conversation concerning trucks. At this time, I do not remember how we got from the dryer to discussing his trucks but we did. He went on to talk about the model he was driving and that it was his girlfriends. He owned a Ford F-250. I began asking him about his gas mileage and how did he like the truck because I’m looking for a new truck. As we were discussing towing capacity and mileage he mentioned that a friend of his had just had a computer chip placed in his truck in order to help with gas mileage as well as horsepower. My mind started racing and I mentally said Thank You to the Creator.
You’re wondering why I mentally said thank you. The week before, I was camping at a state park here in Texas and I was talking with a gentleman and his wife in a campsite across from me. He and I were discussing the merits of different size trucks whether they should be half ton or three-quarter ton. He mentioned a computer chip that he was going to have put in his Dodge Ram 1500 that when added helps to increase towing power and mileage. We continued to talk about other things and I forgot to ask what the name of the chip was or where was he going to get it.
About three days later I thought about the chip and I was not happy that I had forgotten to ask him to give me the information. Therefore I was going have to search online for this chip and find out where it was to be purchased. I also discussed the possibility of installing this chip instead of finding a new truck with a friend.
I pay attention to the words that I say; the way that I say them and in the context that I say them. I now know, no, make that I have the rock solid belief that my words have power. Therefore, when this gentleman at the laundromat mentioned the chip, I knew it was the answer to my desire.
Many times we attribute to coincidence many things that show up in our life when we have actually asked for it during meditative thought or conversation or just in passing. It is important for us to recognize when people, ideas, or things show up in our lives as answers to our requests. The more we acknowledge the receipt of our request and accept the possibility that all we have to do is ask, our faith in the process grows until we come to the time that we just know.
Look at your life and look at the words you speak and recognize those instances where your words and the action are in sync. Just as I recognized the answer to my finding out about the chip in a random conversation so you can begin to recognize when you’re requests are answered.
How can you begin to do this?
1. Journal of the things that you desire. Just a list.
2. Watch for them to show up.
3. Or think about some things that have come into your life and then think about the first time you talked or thought about it.
4. Journal when they show up and journal about what shows up instead of what you asked. Go back to your lists or consider what your thoughts were.
Even in the face of your five senses telling you it can’t possibly work. Try it. If you want a loving relationship, start thinking of your relationship as one filled with love. If you want a better work environment think of it in the way you want it be. Feel it’s Real.
Are you planting the seeds of your desires upon fertile soil? Would you like to learn how? Join us for Commanding Your Life circles the first and third Thursdays of every month. To sign up, click on events or go to http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com.
Click on the free download above to get a meditation to help you learn to visualize in the best way.
“As you have believed, let it be done for you.” Mathew 9:29
And It is so!
In Gratitude,
Beverly Fells Jones,
The Silver Fox of Consciousness,
The Colony, Texas
email: beverly@commandingyourlife.com
Visit my websites at:
http://CommandingYourLife.com or http://SilverFox.SilvaCourses.com
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