Reaching for the Stars Dream Building Seminar


Are you listening to your heart’s desire and ‘The Voice’ within?

Do you feel like you’re on the “hamster wheel”, called life?

Do you find yourself continuously making money only to lose it?

Do you find yourself doubting your ability to create the life you want?

Have you placed your dreams on hold because they seem impossible to achieve?
Are you tired of feeling defeated, scared, weary, worried and tired? How will it feel when you can face each and every day with peace and tranquility no matter what your circumstances? In this Seminar you will learn the techniques you need to do this and to manifest the life you have only dreamt about.


In this seminar you will learn to:

1. Reset your outdated belief system and create a new reality of living for yourself.

2. Create a life where you are empowered to control your life and have the authority to live well.

3. Control your destiny by tapping into the secrets of your subconscious mind.

4. Explore the truth about yourself that will create a great shift in your thinking.

5. Play the “what if,” “It is possible,” “It is not for me to know” and “Wouldn’t it be nice if” games knowing that what you desire can manifest.

6. Learn the truth about money and your relationship with it that keeps it from you.

7. You will learn to follow your heart and intuition on the path of personal discovery about your relationship with money.

8. Learn techniques that will remove fear, doubt, and worry. Replace them with confidence, certainty and peace.

Reaching for the Stars Dream Building Seminar Jan Testimonial


You will also receive:


MP3 OF THE FULL MEDITATION (used in class)

There is a limited number of seats available. Get yours today. This seminar may not be offered again in the near future at this drastically discounted rate, so sign up today and secure your position. Only $149 $99 for over 9 hours of interactive instruction.



You may have read many self-help books or attended an array of seminars and you are wondering how is this one different? The training in this Teleconference will prove to be enlightening at best and will change the way you view your life and money.

  1. You will discover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  2.  You will learn ways to replace them to raise your level of confidence and success.
  3.  You will stop chasing after money.  It will come to you more easily because you will have eliminated your limiting beliefs and you will be ready to receive your highest and best good.

Did you know that your belief system is firmly established in your subconscious mind and plays continuously? Until you replace the beliefs that are holding you back with ones that allow you to soar, your subconscious will continue to make those beliefs true in your life.

Would it not be easier to believe that life is easy and watch as your life becomes one great event after another?

Would it not be easier knowing that you are a success rather than continually thinking that you cannot do, be or have what you desire?

“Reaching for the Stars, Dream Building Seminar” will help you get there.

There are no promises about how much money you will manifest or whether you will find the love of your life or the car of your dreams immediately.  What I do know is that your perspective on your life will drastically change for the better. Your experiences will change with the changing of your perspective. You will see the life you have dreamt about within reach.

Reaching for the Stars Dream Building Seminar Linda Testimonial



Seats are limited.  This is for the good of you and your fellow students and the perfect interaction within class. Sign up today for the Introductory Price of $99



This seminar will be presented in two 1.5 hour+ teleconferences and one 6-hour Field Trip. Yes, I said a field trip. You will put what you learned to work with my guidance in the marketplace.  Not in the Dallas area.  Not a problem.  You will be part of the field trip via phone and texting.

– Bring 2 paying attendees and your admittance is free.

– You will have the ability to repeat the seminar at any time at a 60% discount by being an assistant host on the field trip.

– Join me and take yourself off the hamster wheel.

– Go to and join the group. The Seminar dates and sign up will be posted at this location or sign up now for the next seminar by clicking the link below.




