Breakthrough Strategy Questionnaire

Unfortunately, the survey program has had some issues.  Hopefully, this is temporary.  Until then, email me at with “strategy session” in the subject line.  For your inconvenience, I will spend more than 30 minutes with you.

I will send you the questionnaire by return email.

Fields marked with an * are required in the questionnaire.

Please take your time to complete the form and be as candid as possible so that I may best prepare for your session and so that you may get the greatest benefits possible. Once you are satisfied with your answers click on the Submit button. I will send you an email with two dates and times for sessions as soon as I get it scheduled.

I look forward to speaking with you soon. To your success!

“As you have believed, let it be done for you.” Matthew 9:29

And It is so!

In Gratitude,
Beverly Fells Jones,
The Silver Fox of Consciousness,

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