Possibilities Palace Meditation Technique

Thank you for downloading. It is my pleasure to provide you with a method of learning to visualize through meditation.

There are two files for you to download. One is a PDF that explains the audio and tells you about the guided meditation, describes visualization and why you want to get really good at it.

 Click to download the Introduction to The Possibilities Palace Meditation

“Your second download is the audio of “The Possibilities Palace” meditation

Click on the button below to listen to your Possibilities Palace audio. You may download by right-clicking on the media player and choosing “Save Audio As.” 

Only listen to this meditation when you are able to close your eyes and totally relax. Do not listen while in a position that requires your attention such as operating machinery or driving a vehicle.

[easy_media_download url=”http://tinyurl.com/PossibilityPalace” text=”Free Download” force_dl=”1″ color=”blue_two”]

This is for intertainment purposes only.  No promise of outcome is implied.

“Just as you have believed, let it be done for you.”

And It is so!

In Gratitude,

Beverly Fells Jones

The Silver Fox of Consciousness

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